Unconfirmed for Arael
The aftermath of an awful night comes with an unexpected recourse.
Characters: Arael, Hazel, Daichi
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,408
Vibe: good ol hurt/comfort
‘gee zin whats with the angsty stuff lately’ im Going Thru It. anyways
takes place like immedieately after the violet detector plotline’s climax. which i havent written down yet but tldr arael kind of loses her mind and blows up the ruins and also has a cool climactic fight with diana and yukarin or something. she’ll be ok.
…A casual royal visit by Athena takes a turn for the worse.
For Dainty Halloween Battle 2023; Halloween petting zoo (and also a monster encounter, kind of)
Characters: Athena, Daichi
Warnings: Sudden unreality
Wordcount: 1,550
im less happy with this one but i kind of needed to speedrun it i still want to get the full 6 done, but idk if i’ll be able to do so before halloween itself. anyways thats why the render titlecard is lazy this time
some addtl context; poyote is a fantasy creature within the setting, name is a mix of coyote and peyote. you do the rest of the math as to how it works
…Hazel has something special to show Daichi.
For Coelunes April 2023 prompt: Wish upon a star
Characters: Daichi/Hazel, Marilynn
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,623
Vibe: gay people (except friendzoned because daichi is silly) and fridge horror kind of
its not gay if you look at the moon
some hazel backstory teehee….. i’d like to think they’re highschool seniors here given the timing (so pre-incident but pretty close to it)
[daichi voice] surely this won’t have any future implications or anything