πŸŒ™Moon – Chapter 14; Finale

Read from the start

Characters: Pearl/Lillie, Skymother, Guzma

Warnings: horror elements, deadly parasites, major injury

Wordcount: 2,934

Vibe: haha uh oh

happy 9th anniversary, pokeau!

let’s finish this off with a bang.

(the full author’s note will be found at the very very end, this time. thought it’d only be fitting)

Continue reading πŸŒ™Moon – Chapter 14; Finale

πŸ“šSleep sheep parade

Abzu is invited to a mysterious meetup

For Coelune January prompt; Sleepy dreamland

Characters: Abzu, Skymother, Marilynn

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,580


this is kind of half assed and totally unrevised bc im oh so sleepy (its fatigue. help)

its silly and lighthearted goodnight

Continue reading πŸ“šSleep sheep parade