Angie Thorne

Return to Classic Pokeau characters || Page last updated: February 5th, 2024

She might coat herself with a rough exterior, but Angie is more than a petty delinquent.

Her home situation wasn’t great, and it was there where her distaste for authority stemmed. She was forced to leave home at 15, and went to live with her friend Colress from then on. She saw Colress almost as a brother, but despite his support, she sought to find more people like her and joined Team Plasma as a result.
While she didn’t exactly find the type of company she expected in Plasma, she was kind of stuck there anyways.

Time passed, and Angie eventually worked her way through the ranks, becoming the enforcer for the team. She called Colress to join her, and the two of them were known to be somewhat of an odd, if not powerful duo. The two of them weren’t bothered much by the rest of Plasma, which is exactly how Angie wanted it.

Unfortunately, an altercation led to Angie’s death at 21 – but not permanently. Finding herself living again in a new but similar world, she was unsure of what to do. Out of boredom, she decided to travel to Galar, where she made some new and rather unconventional friends – as well as starting her journey to harmonize the legends of the Western continent.

She never did like to think about the future, but for once, Angie is maybe a bit optimistic about it.


Angie is 5’11” (180cm), with an average-muscular build. She has short ginger hair, and one olive eye – the other eye is a socket which she always covers with either a black or white eyepatch, unless sleeping.

Her primary outfit consists of a leather jacket with spikes which previously sported a Team Plasma patch, a white t-shirt, a light pink spotted skirt, and heavy lace-up boots.

The dedicated punk gal

Age28 (2029)
34 (Postgame)
BirthdayNovember 2nd
OccupationPlasma enforcer (Former)
Birthplace Striaton City
Legend affiliationReshiram
The villain I appear to be - Connor Spiotto


The first thing people tend to notice about Angie is her prevalent distaste for authority figures. She doesn’t see it as much, and instead views it as more of an ‘I do what I want’ attitude.
She’s generally carefree, or at least she appears to be. While Angie doesn’t make it obvious to others, she worries about things a lot and tries to mask it with her chaotic attitude. She’s anxious about the future, and isn’t sure what she wants to do with her life moving forward – and she always has been. She finds it hard being tied to one place for too long, and prefers to come and go as she pleases.

She can be a bit snappy to those she’s unfamiliar with, but once close, she has a big sister-y demeanor to her. She encourages trespassing, and also texts you to make sure you ate lunch.
She’s not a very good people person, and as a result, her harshness is often unintentional – though she’ll always try to apologize if she didn’t mean it. She prefers to spend her time with just herself, and she’s happiest with that.


This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!

Early life (0-15)

Conflicts, and Team Plasma (15-18)

Neo Team Plasma (18-21)

When Angie awoke, she was in what she could rationally call a yacht, and there was a man staring at her. He wasn’t Ghetsis or any member of the shadow triad, but looked higher ranked than a grunt. He was smiling at Angie, but she was able to tell it wasn’t a true smile.
He apologized to Angie, stating that she was only knocked out due to the secrecy of the location. She looked around, until she found a door to the outside. The ocean breeze hit her face, and Angie realized the boat was docked at a small island.

Death (21)

However they did it, Plasma had captured Kyurem. Only Ghetsis and Zinzolin knew what they were going to do with the pokemon, and the rest of the team, including Angie, was left in the dark. Colress had neared completion on the experiments and project ordered by Ghetsis, and the team was itinerary to Opelucid City.

Revival (2027)

As it usually goes, Angie woke up disoriented and confused. It took a couple of seconds for her to fully realize her surroundings, but she was able to determine she was in Opelucid, as she had been when she… wait a second. There was no blood, no pain – Angie was perfectly fine aside from maybe a headache. What was stranger was that the town around her was absent of any ice, and it was actually quite warm. 

Galar adventure (2027-2028)

While browsing the internet, Angie came across an ad for Galar tourism, noting the upcoming league tournament in Galar as a selling point. On impulse, Angie decided that she wanted to go to Galar.

Colress and Alexis both questioned her decision, but Angie seemed sure of herself. Besides, what did she have to lose? With the power of turboblaze, Angie could get there and back with a travel time of about 30 minutes both ways. She made sure to pack her things, and was about to be on her way when Colress insisted she take a pokemon with her, and offered a meowth he had previously been keeping. Angie refused, but took the pokeball with her just to make Colress happy.

She had intended for the trip to just be a different perspective in the countryside, but it turned into something else completely when she was mistaken for a young boy named Hop’s friend, and Angie had to save the boy from a mysterious creature that lived in the Slumbering Weald nobody dared visit just outside of the town.
It was from this that Angie met the region’s champion, Leon, who happened to be Hop’s older brother. He had asked if she was a trainer. Not wanting to say no in front of the champion, Angie reluctantly said yes, and that was how Angie got herself sponsored in the Galar league. She was tasked with babysitting Hop to make sure he didn’t get himself hurt in the wild area, and Leon offered his league sponsorship in return.

Angie felt unattached to her meowth at first due to her fear, but was fast to make an attachment after training with her, and named the pokemon Mitzi. It seemed she had quite the talent as a trainer, too, and quickly gained a small following of fans in the league.
During her adventure, she met a girl a bit older than Hop named Marnie, and began making sure she was okay during her adventure as well. Marnie and Angie developed a mentor-like sisterly relationship through adventuring, even though Marnie already had a brother of her own back home. Angie was later able to meet Marnie’s brother, and the two were able to get along well from their shared experiences.

With the tournament going on, though, Angie couldn’t help but smell something sinister on the horizon. She had never gotten a very good vibe from the league’s chairman, as she reminded her all too much of another manipulative rich old man from her past. It turned out Angie’s intuition was correct, and in order to save the region from an overflow of power, Angie had to defeat Chairman Rose in battle and summon the medieval heroes of Zacian and Zamazenta.
Together with the sword and shield pokemon, along with Hop, Angie was able to defeat the fell god Eternatus – which was Angie’s first real battle using her powers as a legend.

The day was saved, and Angie gained national attention, which was a bit much for her to handle. Still, it was because of her that the league was able to go on, and the future was bright once again.

Present day

Angie is still going through the tournament, and has managed to be one of the last standing challengers, with Mitzi by her side. While she thinks it’s funny in retrospect how it happened, she’s glad she became a trainer, despite how much she loathed the idea before. She’s learned how to be more social and open with others, and while it’s still difficult for her at times, she finds talking to others is more enjoyable now.

She’s found valuable friends in both Leon and Sonia, and while the two come from wildly different backgrounds than her, they always seem to be there to support her. Which isn’t to forget Marnie and Hop, who are almost like found siblings to Angie. While she’s much older than both of them, she feels like she’s learned a lot from them, too. She almost has her own little family in Galar, and she enjoys the company of all of them.
And Colress… who Angie is still in frequent contact with, texting almost every day. Their relationship is the same as ever, the two of them like brother and sister. While he seems to be avoidant about disclosing his relationship status despite the very present rings on his finger, Angie doesn’t mind much, and is able to respect his boundaries.

The tournament goes on, and while Angie might have a bit of a ride left, she’s found a reignited determination to go through it with blazing confidence.


Emissary of Reshiram:

  • Symbol of truth:
    • Angie… doesn’t… really know what this is supposed to mean, and nobody else does, either. Though historically, Reshiram has been a symbol and beacon to those who seek the truth.
  • Turboblaze:
    • The ONE THING that Angie DOES understand. Reshiram’s tail functions as an electric turbine engine – it absorbs electricity and converts it into heat energy. This energy can be used for a variety of things, from being used as a jet engine while flying to even changing the weather for short periods of time.
  • Guardian of Unova:
    • Since Kyurem split, Reshiram and Zekrom instead took up the role of protecting Unova. While the two dragons historically haven’t gotten along, they work together to keep their home safe. Angie has tried to live up to this role by working to reunite the legends of the Western Continent.
  • Conditional Immortality:
    • Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.

Physical strength:

  • Angie is quite strong, and it’s something she prides herself in. In the absence of having pokemon due to her fear, Angie has gone to rely on her own personal prowess to deal with issues. Though she prefers the use of a weapon or tool of some kind, she’s fully capable of dealing with certain things with her bare hands.
    • She’s particularly good at parkour, as she would climb around the Dreamyard a lot when she was younger, and gets a thrill out of risky stuff like that.


  • Angie has an unbreakable will, and when she’s determined to do something, she’ll do it, no matter how tough – because man, Angie’s tougher.
    • She’s gotten herself into some less than favorable situations because of this, unfortunately. But because she just doesn’t know how to quit, she more often than not gets herself right back out.



Pokemon trainer

Mitzi Lv. 71

Yuyuko Lv. 68

Twilight Lv. 69

Awful Lv. 70


Colress – Found family

Angie’s best friend since first grade. The two think of eachother as brother and sister, and up until Angie’s initial death, were almost inseparable.
Though there’s slight turmoil over the subject of Lune nowadays, they’re still incredibly close – though don’t spend nearly as much time together, as they’ve gone their own directions in life.

Lune – Mortal enemy

Originally bitter enemies who met in a deadly clash, Lune has since apologized to Angie – which Angie refuses to accept. Angie doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to forgive Lune for what she did, so the two are at a standstill. But for Colress’s sake, they’ll tolerate each other if needed.

Sonia – Casual love interest

While originally just friends, Angie has grown a particular fondness towards Sonia. After realizing her feelings, Angie’s actions around Sonia are sometimes a bit ‘awkward’, but Sonia thinks it’s cute.

Hop – Found family

Angie has practically adopted hop as a little brother. While she started out as his babysitter, she cares about his safety and ambitions deeply and has gone great lengths to protect him.

Leon – Friends

Angie and Leon are friends, and she tries her best to be there for him when he needs someone to lean on – Angie is well acquainted with emotional burnout, so the two offer support to each other.

Ghetsis – A horrible man

Wishes he died a much more violent death, personally. Hated him with all her being, and discreetly began poisoning him slowly before her death. Nothing could undo the pain he inflicted on Angie, though.

Alexis – Found family

Less familiar with her than she is with Colress, but still quite close – like a sister to her.

Francis – Ally

Francis confuses Angie, and she can’t really decide whether she’s a square or tolerable. Kind of wishes that she’d grow a backbone, but would never say that to her face.


  • She is… an unironic edgelord. She loves black and red aesthetics and emo bands.
  • She will not accept the fact that she was technically a full-blown pirate.
  • She used to smoke, and she broke the habit after revival. She picked it up as a poor way to ‘cope’ as a teenager and ended up addicted.
  • The Galar crew refers to her as an estranged cousin.
  • A lot of her clothes are actually just stolen from Alexis, who doesn’t mind, and thinks Angie pulls it off better.

Meta commentary

  • toby fox owes me $1 because angie would kin susie
  • Angie’s death was originally intended to be permanent – but as time went on and I began sympathizing with her more, I used SwSh’s release as a chance to give her a divine revival.

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