Characters – Ultra arc

Out of this world!

Starting in 2022, the Ultra Arc was originally a single sidestory the spiraled a bit out of control into its own standalone universe! While there is some crossover between Classic Pokeau, characters in Ultra arc mostly follow their own rules… which is to say, there aren’t any.

The world page for Ultra Space contains lots of extra context for the world itself, the species that inhabit it, and more!

Sort characters by cast

Characters in Ultra Arc are divided by two primary casts: Main, which indicates the character has an important story role, and Secondary, which tends to mean they have less primary storyline influence, or are simply less developed.

Sort characters by special role

Filters for characters who are in specific subgroups that don’t quite count as sidestories.

Sort characters by locale

Many characters are tied to a specific location, which tends to impact them and their story, more often than not.

Sort by story/sidestory

There’s lots going on here all the time – aside from the primary plotline, there’s also plenty of concurrent sidestories running and making everything complicated.

You can find summaries, of each of these [LINK PENDING].

WaterfallUltra StationAnomalyUltra MegalopolisUltra CraterUltra JungleUltra PlantUltra RuinUltra DesertUltra ForestUAMaincastUAAllCharsUAMinorcastBorderbeachambassadorUltra DirgeLunar Capital



With the origins of both himself and his wealth a complete mystery, Abner was one of Ultra Space’s most elite and wealthy… who hoped to tie up his loose ends.

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A bouncer at a dive bar with an intriguing past, though they’ve practically left it behind in favor of a simpler life.



Formerly a petty thief and street criminal, now trying to clean up her image and discover the secrets left behind for her.



The incredibly powerful child of a fell angel, who’s currently too preoccupied causing minor mischief to worry about her family’s past.



Though she appears to be a distant lone ranger to many, Ash is a woman with a big heart who values her homeland and her sister’s wellbeing above all else.

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A princess from far away who seeks to restore unity to her kingdom after the queen’s assassination.



A man who was willing to make any sacrifice to reach the top… even if they eventually caused him to pay the ultimate price.

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Obsessed with creepy culture from the Outside World, Bankie believes the aesthetic holds the key to the Dirge’s revitalization.

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An optimistic mailcarrier spreading not only often strange packages, but her love for the world as well.



In the midst of trying to plan for her future in community college, Beck has found herself tangled up in something entirely beyond her comprehension.

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A curious creature with curious origins.

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Birdie is an all-around hypegal, who aims to bring an energized splash of color to people’s lives.



A relaxed, yet thoroughly dedicated trucker who always seems to be in the right place at the right time.



Haunted by her past as a childhood bully, Bonnie strives to do as much good as she can in the present – while ultimately ignoring confrontation from former peers.

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Staging as a mysterious luck-bringing store mascot, Breakfast has much more to her than meets the eye.

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