Out of this world!
Starting in 2022, the Ultra Arc was originally a single sidestory the spiraled a bit out of control into its own standalone universe! While there is some crossover between Classic Pokeau, characters in Ultra arc mostly follow their own rules… which is to say, there aren’t any.
The world page for Ultra Space contains lots of extra context for the world itself, the species that inhabit it, and more!

Sort characters by cast
Characters in Ultra Arc are divided by two primary casts: Main, which indicates the character has an important story role, and Secondary, which tends to mean they have less primary storyline influence, or are simply less developed.
Sort characters by special role
Filters for characters who are in specific subgroups that don’t quite count as sidestories.
Sort characters by locale
Many characters are tied to a specific location, which tends to impact them and their story, more often than not.
Sort by story/sidestory
There’s lots going on here all the time – aside from the primary plotline, there’s also plenty of concurrent sidestories running and making everything complicated.
You can find summaries, of each of these [LINK PENDING].