
Official art

Let’s go together!

…Because what is a personal website without a tacky guestbook? While I have commenting enabled on artwork and newsposts, a more general place for thoughts is always nice!

Email is required by the system as a low-level ‘spam protection’, you’re free to just enter a burner.


Don’t be a dick! …That’s really it. I understand that not everyone is going to like my writing, art, characters, or worldbuilding, but there’s more productive ways to use that energy – seriously, hate is a wonderful motivator!
In that same vein, because this is a personal ‘for fun’ thing, I’m not really looking for criticism or critique. That being said, I always appreciate when people kindly point out spelling or formatting errors! I am very dyslexic so typos are kind of enemy #1 around here.

Also, while I more than encourage linking your own personal webspace, I’d prefer these not be explicit advertisements, i.e. portfolios detailing paid services without anything else.

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