📚Color of stars

Hazel has something special to show Daichi.

For Coelunes April 2023 prompt: Wish upon a star

Characters: Daichi/Hazel, Marilynn

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,623

Vibe: gay people (except friendzoned because daichi is silly) and fridge horror kind of

its not gay if you look at the moon

some hazel backstory teehee….. i’d like to think they’re highschool seniors here given the timing (so pre-incident but pretty close to it)

[daichi voice] surely this won’t have any future implications or anything

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📚Border of life

Athena takes Coco on a date outside the desert – but the seasons are changing, and the two may not expect what they’re in for.

For Dainties March 2023 prompt: Spring has sprung

Characters: Athena/Coco, Frank

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,732

Vibe: gay people and yaaaaaaay pretty nature


trying to get over my godawful writer’s block slowly but surely orz. here’s athena and coco on a date

man i miss torrential spring rainstorms. unfortunately it is still below freezing here LOL

note to event mods: frank is a nondainty/noncs/he’s athena’s weird barbie movie companion creature

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📚Sleep sheep parade

Abzu is invited to a mysterious meetup

For Coelune January prompt; Sleepy dreamland

Characters: Abzu, Skymother, Marilynn

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,580


this is kind of half assed and totally unrevised bc im oh so sleepy (its fatigue. help)

its silly and lighthearted goodnight

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📚Seraphic chicken

Geeta needs Charlie’s help for a very urgent favor.

Toyhouse prompt game: “No time to explain, just get in the chicken costume, fast!”

Characters: Charlie, Geeta, Daji, Spinch (implied)

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,580

Vibe: free them (charlie)

hi the zin 3am onesots return [confetti]

its been like a year or two since i did these or smthng. anyways the drill is the same this isnt revised and it will maybe be revised later. probably not. dont worry abt it.

its silly bc i wanted to undead the forum game.. also dont mind that i slightly changed the prompt line to fit with the setting. look the thread was dead for 6 months can i have some leeway here

okbye -passes out-

Continue reading 📚Seraphic chicken

📚History of the moon

Arael finds some cookies in a mysterious house.

For Coelune September prompt; Baking

Characters: Arael

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,413

Vibe: uh oh environmental storytelling


hi reddit im still at it. i wrote like 50% of this in a haze that i can’t remember dont worry about it

after all it’s not like there could be environmental storytelling about your parent in a random house you wormholed to…. right????

Continue reading 📚History of the moon

📚The centennial festival for lunar rabbits; Arcade anarchy

A 2 part carnival catastrophe. Was originally going to be 3 parts until artfight prep crept up on me orz

For Coelune June prompt; Carwheel carnival

Characters: Hazel, Mariska

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,531

Vibe: causing problems at an arcade then getting thrown out by security


this was like vaguely revised kindof not really. you know how it is with me <:3

Continue reading 📚The centennial festival for lunar rabbits; Arcade anarchy

📚Mysterious purification rod

Spinch and Yuri go fishing.

Characters: Spinch, Yuri, Lune, Daji

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,850

Vibe: sneaking out into the woods with your bestie only to be caught


hi idk where i was going w this i just wanted 2 do smthng for the prompt. 

i havent slept so theres probably more typos than usual in this but wateva..

yes lune swears in front of children #girlboss

Continue reading 📚Mysterious purification rod

📚Lunatic dreamer

Dmitri gets a late night visitor at the library, but it isn’t Vanya.

Characters: Dmitri, Mishka, Vanya

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,178

Vibe: imagine dealing with a kpop stan in real life


hi im super manic and running on. no hours of sleep! so if this is less comprehensible than normal. uh. sorry.

takes place 2029, after lune’s retirement was announced. mishka is an annoying lune stan.

for week1 of the writing prompt thread. prompt was ‘write about a time when your character felt embarrassed!’

Continue reading 📚Lunatic dreamer

📚And then there were none

Tiphanie realizes the rabbithole goes deeper than she wished.

Forum game prompt: “What are you hiding from me?”

Characters: Tiphanie, Souadou, Aya, Aurelien has like 1 line

Warnings: Mentions of a vague mob-related deal gone wrong, and death and violence that followed. Also mentions of drugs and vague mentions of drug dealing.

Wordcount: 1,148

Vibe: Tense ‘uh oh’ vibe


yaye forum game prompt thing

this is a rough scene thats been in my head thought i’d try writing it out (at 2am any%)

tldr tiphanie witnesses Aya murder some drug makers in a cabin and gets upset about it. souadou is very good at google.

Continue reading 📚And then there were none

📚Luna dial

It’s finally over… right?
Returning home is difficult, and Ridley is upset.

Characters: Ridley, Aster, Pearl

Warnings: Pokemon Legends Arceus intro-level spoilers, mental breakdowns

Wordcount: 1,222

Vibe: Ridley has a mental breakdown and does something stupid


i havent actually seen the footage for the intro ive only had it described but like. call me pokemon move future sight

anyways addtl context: like, directly post endgame. ridley gets jealous and their feelings overtake them, but with no way to properly expel the feelings they get overwhelming

idk thought id write an intro to the legends arc that i wont write for another 6 months probably. aka ridley has to defeat their inner demons in a fractured reality past while arceus eats popcorn bc they got their emotions back

its not 3am but im still not revising this


The ending is retconned because at the time I hadn’t actually seen the intro. In-universe Laventon finds Ridley, not Adaman.

Continue reading 📚Luna dial

📚Desire drive

i have no excuse for this also idk why i called it that i just listened to desire drive while writing this

Colress comes home from a frustrating day of work to a surprise.

Characters: Colress/Lune/N

Warnings: One(1) mild suggestive innuendo

Wordcount: 1,369

Vibe: Fluffy nonsense

Original AN:

im sorry this is extreme cheese

once again. 4am. no spellcheck. no revisions. i simply do not care at this point take what you get i wrote this cuz i was pissed off and bitter so this is entirely just. sap

edit: oh my god i read this in the morning and this is DEFINITELY the cheesiest thing ive ever written. i’ve really outdone myself this time

Continue reading 📚Desire drive

📚Haunting my heart

There’s a familiar presence in the Sinnoh League, even after it’s gone.

Characters: Cynthia, Orchid is implied to be there but doesn’t speak

Warnings: Grief, mentions of badly coping, and overall themes of death.

Wordcount: 1,236

Vibe: Angsty / bittersweet

Original AN:

i have no idea where i was goin with this. saw the vague prompt of ‘character a finds out their house is haunted’ and went with it. mostly angsty/bittersweet at the end

this is mostly cynthia-centric with orchid not even being named until the end but watever . her ghost is there the entire time just chillin so it counts

once again. its 3am. havent revised. goodnight

also if this is cheesy near the end sorry idk how to write conclusions <3

Continue reading 📚Haunting my heart


Renee stays late at work, and gets a visitor.

Characters: Renee, Zinnia, Pearl, Steven

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,553

Vibe: Stressed/comfort

Original AN:

theres probably like 6000000000000000000 spelling and grammar errors but i do not. i do not care.

idea i got at work, i wrote like half of it one mnight and then the other half a few days later. idk where i was really going other than ‘zinnia is there’

i wanna say pearl is maybe 4-5 here

Continue reading 📚Goodnight


Kibi and Ridley attend a special performance

Characters: Kibi/Ridley, Lune

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,341

Vibe: Optimistic

Original AN:

auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu its 2am and i have work tomorrow oh no

anyways ya. happy early new years fic this is a scene i’ve had in my head for a while

song referenced is this . does this make this a songfic oh god oh fuck

unrevised as always sssssssss ok goodnight

Continue reading 📚Countdown

📚pokeau branded holiday special

Aster gets an invite.

Characters: Zinnia/Aster, Emmy

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,154

Vibe: Lighthearted holiday special

Original AN:

takes place when aster and zinnia are like. umm i wanna say 15?

theres a timeskip at tha end. pearl is maybe like 5 there

for lore related purposes: i imagine there’s a universal generic winter gifting holiday inspired by delibird

ya i just got off work and thought about this while stocking shelves so its kinda short but its the thought that counts <3

also unrevised bc im tired and cant be bothered as usual

Continue reading 📚pokeau branded holiday special

📚zin has unova trio brainworms: the fic

i have no better title for this. theres worms in my brain

they go 2 the nimbasa amusement park thanks for coming

Characters: Colress/Lune/N

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,266

Vibe: pure unfiltered cheesy fluff

Original AN:

good god this is cheesy. ive had brainworms for these 3 for like the past week so this is entirely for myself. im not /particularly/ proud of this at all because of all the Cheese but i live for it anyways

havent revised or had other eyes look at it , the usual

probably takes place shortly after they moved to lostlorn

also colress’s fursona is a lopunny no i will not explain this but thats why lune did the thing

Continue reading 📚zin has unova trio brainworms: the fic

📚Something about family

Lune thinks about her family.

Characters: Lune/Colress

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,110

Vibe: Lune emo momence ft cheesy comfort

Original AN:

once again its 2am and i have no idea what this is. based on a prompt from forum game asking me about lune and her family

this probably takes place in 2020 just after lune , colress , and n got together

as always with late night oneshots this isnt revised at all so read atr ur own risk i guess

ALSO ill work on moon after artfight its not dead i pwomise

Continue reading 📚Something about family

📚Odd Keystone

Cynthia brings something home after a hike.

Characters: Orchid/Cynthia

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1419

Vibe: Semi-bittersweet silliness

Original AN:

its 11pm and i ate a whole bag of kitkats and now i cant sleep so this is a result of my hubris

only lightly revised, probably stuff i missed. idk where i was going with this plot wise so if it doesnt make sense. that is why but like yolo

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