📚Jungle drunker

Amity sets out to search for an odd client’s odd request, but comes across a bit more than she bargained for.

Characters: Amity, Mokotan, Faizah (briefly mentioned)

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 2,366

Vibe: yaaaay character interaction (with a twist)

this one is named after a moro song : p 

this ended up mostly turning into a fun little character interaction bit, with some ~lore~ or whatever to spice it up. faizah is also here i guess

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📚Rorschach test

Suika is called for a mysterious, important meeting.

Characters: Suika, Dove, Magus

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,178

Vibe: uh oh.

gonna b real with yall this is just glorified exposition and i cant entirely rememver why i wrote but but [whips and nae naes]

this is nightmare diaries arc, aka 1 yr after violet detector

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📚Let’s go together!

It’s closing time at Dee’s bar, but an odd tourist doesn’t seem to care.

Characters: Ash, Heather, Dee

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,140

Vibe: culture shock but make it kinda gay

do you think………. even a country gal can fall in love with a city slicker
ash is incredibly deadpan and dense as always so its hard to write banter with her LOL

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📚Of fire and water


Unconfirmed for Beck

Beck is set on investigating some kind of anomaly – as well as taking Isa along for the ride with him.

Characters: Isa, Beck, Tonantzintla, Suika

Warnings: Horror/unreality themes

Wordcount: 3,089

Vibe: uh oh.

i thought this was going to be a short oneshot………….. and then i [whips and nae naes]

some ~adventures~ with beck and isa as a part of the nightmare diaries arc :} if you know you know……..

also. isa’s aunt = suika. she isn’t directly named though as this was  sort of more by beck’s POV and i doubt suika would’ve told beck her  name ASDFGHJ

im not tagging the duo at the end bc they both get like. one line

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📚Right where you left it


Unconfirmed for Arael

Arael and Beck narrowly make it out of a sticky situation, only to find themselves in another unique one.

Characters: Arael, Beck, Bogey, Lara

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,714

Vibe: diners to have a breakdown at 2am to

part of me isn’t suuuuper sure if i was able to totally revise this, but honestly. when has that ever able to stop me.
this one takes place during the nightmare diary arc! aka the follow-up to violet detector. yes i know i’ve said practically nothing about either outside my head but like. don’t worry about it.

dont worry about diana and isa im sure they’ll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

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📚Memento Mori


Unconfirmed for Amity

After 15 years in the lab, those by Amity’s side start to crack.

Characters: Amity, Hollyhock, Qing’e

Warnings: Self destructive behavior

Wordcount: 1,066

Vibe: [amity voice] haha, this sucks man

iforgot to upload this oops. been feeling funky (understatement) so i think that sort of. reflects here. idk ill get it together eventually

poor amity was just 16 when this all went down, and considering she’d  lived her entire life knowing only these two… poor amity :{
also reading this in retrospect it makes hollyhock and qing’e sound incredibly divorced. love loses i guess

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📚Foggy seas


Unconfirmed for Laine

With the rain comes a wave of emotions for Laine, whether she likes it or not.

Characters: Laine, Chel, Juniper

Warnings: Explicit mentions of an implied past suicide, suicidal ideation, and general themes of death – though the oneshot ends on a hopeful note.

Wordcount: 1,327

Vibe: : (

another thinly veiled oneshot again, oops. although this one is a bit… unique? i started it when i was at a very low point, but then wrote the second half when i was feeling better and more hopeful, and i feel like that potentially reflects in things.

ill write something happy/goofy again soon, i hope

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Meihua figures out the reason for Sumi’s sudden vanishing, and tries to lend a hand.

Characters: Meihua, Hira, Maya

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,072

Vibe: bootleg ace attorney

local guy finds time to write their own MB stuff in the midst of the queue being flooded ASDFGHJ. which is to say this isnt very revised sorry. who cares

this was for an ace attorney homage prompt.. but i treated it seriously bc im #silly

Continue reading 📚SUMI GOES TO JAIL

📚Nice to meet you

Last night, Yukarin arrived on the surface from Lunaires. This morning, she looks out the balcony at a new world.

Characters: Tonantzintla, Yukarin

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 515

Vibe: hold on this is just fridge horror

something short because i was thinking about pre-dd yukarin (which is to say, this is pre-darkest day.)

i realize theres been .. absolutely no public worldbuilding abt these guys i think so. um. tldr

yukarin (before she sort of became a kaiju) is a member of the last species skymom created before exploding, and was a part of the ‘beta’ population introduced to the surface. before this, they were allowed to develop a culture in the massive self sustaining atrium in the lower half of lunaires. this was a thing that happened before skymom exploded

also yukarin was secretly using this as a chance to try and hijack lunaires bc shes #sogirlypop – all she needed was a power source on the surface, and…

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📚Pendulum polygraph

Zoe meets up with Kalika after a period apart, and has an odd game in store.

Characters: Zoe, Kalika

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,207

Vibe: [zoe voice] time to be mysterious for literally no reason

aaaaaaaa a a aaaaaaaaa [explodes] my keyboard and joins feel stiff so i feel like there’s 5 billion typos even though i looked over it like twice. you know how it is

i have no idea if kalika or zoe is the older sister, but they have a pretty deep level of familiarity with each other – at least before zoe got a psychology phd and used it to be a hack psychic. love when women are mysterious for literally no reason

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📚Swim in a cherry blossom-colored sea

The surface is vastly different than the Lunar Capital – particularly, with seasons.

Characters: Breakfast, Hajime, Diana

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,638

Vibe: dude the moon sucks

not sure how i feel about this one, but it may just be because i’ve been in a weird headspace lately in general. but it’s done and that’s what counts… i’ve been thinking of the mad tea party group a lot lately

also i think its very very funny that hajime got a oneshot debut before i actually designed him. sorry hajime

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Unconfirmed for Sahariel

Sahariel gets a call from some Lunarian tourists, in need of wildlife control.

Characters: Sahariel, Kalika, Tiamat (implied)

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,881

Vibe: please dont pet the wildlife

my body has been trying so so hard to stop me from finishing this (yahoo chronic illness flareup) but i finished it anyways because im cool and swag. im going to nap for 50 years now

the woarrar’s model filename is THEBEAST.blend btw. im obsessed with it.

Continue reading 📚WILD BOARS IN YOUR AREA

📚Alone together


Unconfirmed for Arael

The aftermath of an awful night comes with an unexpected recourse.

Characters: Arael, Hazel, Daichi

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,408

Vibe: good ol hurt/comfort

‘gee zin whats with the angsty stuff lately’ im Going Thru It. anyways

takes place like immedieately after the violet detector plotline’s climax. which i havent written down yet but tldr arael kind of loses her  mind and blows up the ruins and also has a cool climactic fight with diana and yukarin or something. she’ll be ok.

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📚It’s raining somewhere else


Unconfirmed for Laine

With the rain comes a wave of emotions for Laine, whether she likes it or not.

Characters: Laine, Chel

Warnings: Explicit mentions of an implied suicide and grieving.

Wordcount: 954

Vibe: 🙁

thinly veiled vent oneshot that i don’t even remember writing because of how low i was feeling when it was written.. it’s been a while since there’s been one of these, huh? i’m feeling better now thankfully.

keep in mind that though the grief is very much real to chel and laine, this is at the point where wasundari faked her own death and she’s very much alive still

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📚Mushroom Waltz


Unconfirmed for Suika

Suika and Yuugi have a debt to pay in Waterfall for a mysterious doctor.

Characters: Suika, Yuugi, Hazel

Warnings: Explicit mentions of drugs (psychoactive mushrooms) and drug use.
Yuugi uses the word ‘junkie’, but in a more ‘familiar’ manner than a derogatory one.

Wordcount: 1,687

Vibe: what if we looked for psychadelic mushrooms together and we hated each other but didnt and we were both girls…. haha…… jk……. unless

i feel like this is kind of messy but i literally went to the er 2 times in the span of 48 hours while working on this. give me a break

takes place a lil bit after yuugi goes to the UDS. also has the fabled hazel + yuugi interaction and it goes just about how one would expect

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📚sorry i didn’t take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL


x5 for Amity
x5 for Suika

Suika and Amity are called to deal with a dangerous situation.

Characters: Amity, Suika

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 954


title is a ref to a clip from an mmd motion thats lived rent free in my head since 2015. anyways

theyre silly

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📚Rigid paradise


x7 for Suika

Suika undergoes a great test to her skill as an occultist.

Characters: Suika, Tuesday, Qing’e

Warnings: Very explicit mentions of a corpse and necromancy

Wordcount: 1,412

Vibe: thats necromancy baby!!

i like the vision of tuesday bringing in a corpse to suika like a cat with a dead bird

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📚Here we are

Arael takes Mona to an old condemned lab, but it would appear they aren’t alone.

Characters: Arael, Mona, Tuesday

Warnings: Mentions of past human/sapient species experimentation

Wordcount: 2,066

Vibe: undertale true lab theme dot mp3

yes the title is an undertale song ref. its got the exact same vibes as the true lab what else could i call it

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📚[blasts you with forearm laser]

Arael is given the chance to preform a ‘stress test’.

Characters: Arael, Dina

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 624

Vibe: [blasts you with forearm laser]

yes i had to rewatch the ramiel nge compilation for reference/inspo on how i wanted to describe arael’s power SDFGHJK

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