Arael takes Maria out to the beach, only to meet an unexpected interruption.
Characters: Arael, Maria
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2,061
Vibe: h2o just add water
idk what else to say other than these two are Sillay
…Continue reading
Arael takes Maria out to the beach, only to meet an unexpected interruption.
Characters: Arael, Maria
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2,061
Vibe: h2o just add water
idk what else to say other than these two are Sillay
…A casual royal visit by Athena takes a turn for the worse.
For Dainty Halloween Battle 2023; Halloween petting zoo (and also a monster encounter, kind of)
Characters: Athena, Daichi
Warnings: Sudden unreality
Wordcount: 1,550
im less happy with this one but i kind of needed to speedrun it i still want to get the full 6 done, but idk if i’ll be able to do so before halloween itself. anyways thats why the render titlecard is lazy this time
some addtl context; poyote is a fantasy creature within the setting, name is a mix of coyote and peyote. you do the rest of the math as to how it works
…Bea is set out to make a package delivery to an odd location.
For Dainty Halloween Battle 2023; Haunted in the Haunted House
Characters: Beatrice/Gerhana, Bankie
Warnings: One instance of swearing (because Bea and Gerhana are normal people who dont swear every other sentence unlike everyone else)
Wordcount: 2,214
Vibe: hehe spooky silly (but watch out!)
YAYYYY ULTRA DIRGE NEW LOCATION WOOHOO im excited to develop it more!! anyways heres these two
not much 2 say other than i miss the whimsy of spirit halloween and halloween capitalism in general when i was younger. now it all just feels sad. anyways
theres a surpise at the end :3
…Dollie is running out of ideas on how to contact Remi’s parents.
For Dainty Halloween Battle 2023; Ouija board mischief
Characters: Dollie, Remi, Sele
Warnings: Harsh language
Wordcount: 1,601
Vibe: wow these guys straight up hate each other
these prompts seemed fun so! i’m gonna give doing a series of 6 my best shot >: D enter: spooksoween spooktacular! who knows, maybe if other groups i’m in have spooky prompts that fit my fancy, the collection will grow?
i love dollie and their relationships with their roommates. straight up insufferable.
…Ginkgo is tasked with retrieving a message from a former subordinate, but it doesn’t go quite as she expects.
Characters: Ginkgo, Qing’e, Tuesday, Hollyhock
Warnings: Harsh language
Wordcount: 1,738
Vibe: a meeting between people who never thought they’d see each other again
for poffins weekly challenge – ‘old friend’
i can’t think of an authors note for this one. but at least ginkgo is making an effort to tie up loose ends?
…Sumi doesn’t show up for once in her life, and it has Meihua worried where she could have gone.
Art of Wandering quest for Tectonic Crusade ARPG
Characters: Meihua, AAA Battery
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 2,047
Vibe: i have no idea man. its silly
icant revise this rn bc migraine #yay
but! the funnies. language warning is there bc this is a group thing hi
these are fun guys i hope i can write more :3
…August sees a familiar face on a night out.
Characters: August/Felicity
Warnings: Mild sexual content (characters are at a strip club) and alcohol mentions
Wordcount: 1,090
Vibe: gay people
short one i wrote a while ago while dissociating i think, technically unfinished but i feel it can work as is? idk. didnt want it to be in the archives forever
yes lesbian strip clubs exist here because the cast is like 80% wlw so i think they deserve it
something not ultra arc for once
…Lune has a second chance at an encounter.
Characters: Angie, Lune
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,310
Vibe: lune pls seek therapy (it will get better)
loose interp of the forum game prompt of ‘lune encounters angie while in a form angie does not recognize’ – i kind of went off the og prompt but it was fun :}
lune isn’t doin too great (understatement) at this point in time. it’s ok she’ll get better though
not revised bc #yolo #swag or whatever
…Hazel has something special to show Daichi.
For Coelunes April 2023 prompt: Wish upon a star
Characters: Daichi/Hazel, Marilynn
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,623
Vibe: gay people (except friendzoned because daichi is silly) and fridge horror kind of
its not gay if you look at the moon
some hazel backstory teehee….. i’d like to think they’re highschool seniors here given the timing (so pre-incident but pretty close to it)
[daichi voice] surely this won’t have any future implications or anything
…Athena takes Coco on a date outside the desert – but the seasons are changing, and the two may not expect what they’re in for.
For Dainties March 2023 prompt: Spring has sprung
Characters: Athena/Coco, Frank
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,732
Vibe: gay people and yaaaaaaay pretty nature
trying to get over my godawful writer’s block slowly but surely orz. here’s athena and coco on a date
man i miss torrential spring rainstorms. unfortunately it is still below freezing here LOL
note to event mods: frank is a nondainty/noncs/he’s athena’s weird barbie movie companion creature
…Abzu is invited to a mysterious meetup
For Coelune January prompt; Sleepy dreamland
Characters: Abzu, Skymother, Marilynn
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,580
this is kind of half assed and totally unrevised bc im oh so sleepy (its fatigue. help)
its silly and lighthearted goodnight
…Geeta needs Charlie’s help for a very urgent favor.
Toyhouse prompt game: “No time to explain, just get in the chicken costume, fast!”
Characters: Charlie, Geeta, Daji, Spinch (implied)
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,580
Vibe: free them (charlie)
hi the zin 3am onesots return [confetti]
its been like a year or two since i did these or smthng. anyways the drill is the same this isnt revised and it will maybe be revised later. probably not. dont worry abt it.
its silly bc i wanted to undead the forum game.. also dont mind that i slightly changed the prompt line to fit with the setting. look the thread was dead for 6 months can i have some leeway here
okbye -passes out-
…Rosetta invites Dina to a special party.
For Coelune December prompt; Winter holiday
Characters: Rosetta, Dina
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 2,514
Vibe: warm fuzzy happy times (with surprise ending)
aaaaaaaaaaaa-explodes- my bones hurt so much (real flareup moments) but this is done anyways .. i feel a bit rusty writing for some reason orz
i had to get a lil creative because winter/seasons dont exist in their setting … hopefully it works >>;;
…Athena has a dangerous encounter with a bitter enemy… but not for the reason she’d thought.
For Dainty Halloween contest: Monstrous Encounter
Characters: Athena, Amity, Pandora
Warnings: Athena experiences a near-death situation, and a hostile monster/creature is killed non-graphically.
Wordcount: 2,668
Vibe: uh oh!
aaaaaaaaaaaa im anxious abt submitting this one >__< just cuz its for a Big Contest hoo hoo
anyways athena is normal until she hears she gets a chance to punch her host’s assassin in abandoned city ruins that happen to be filled with an extremely dangerous alien species (which happens to be an ultra beast from hit game pokemon sun and moon (2016) for the nintendo 3ds)
what could possibly go wrong
(amity is also here i guess)
ok bye -explodes-
…Chantal is tasked with putting together a Halloween party while the mayor is sick, and receives help from an unexpected person.
For Coelune October prompt; Costume party
Characters: Abzu, Chantal, Mildred
Warnings: Spooky vibes, characters are under the false impression they are being stalked by a monster, and Abzu has a flashback triggered, causing them to freeze up.
Wordcount: 3,022
Vibe: ouhhhh spooky
yahoo this isnt rlly revised but its too late to do that anyways
i dont really have a funny author’s note for this one, its the halloween special! despite it not being 2am im very sleepy
…Athena is greeted by an unwelcome visitor.
For Dainty September prompt: Fashion
Characters: Athena, Gucci, Pandora
Warnings: Mentions of past assassination
Wordcount: 3,468
Vibe: fashion but make it high stakes
hi i literally just woke up and was hit by the colress pokemas reveal like a bus. so excuse me if this authors note is more incomprehensible than normal
yes the title is a moro arrange again
uhhhh yea. pheromosa empire is very obsessed with fashion and beauty so was a good first prompt lol
on that note to dainty mods if u are here: hi
athena is in a world that’s a hybrid of ultra space from the pkmn series and an original setting. its a mess. i like to use species prompts to further the story in snippets so if this is a bit story heavy sorry lol
ok have fun ill upload a bio for coco later maybe
…Arael finds some cookies in a mysterious house.
For Coelune September prompt; Baking
Characters: Arael
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 1,413
Vibe: uh oh environmental storytelling
hi reddit im still at it. i wrote like 50% of this in a haze that i can’t remember dont worry about it
after all it’s not like there could be environmental storytelling about your parent in a random house you wormholed to…. right????
…Rosetta decides to check in on a close friend.
For Coelune August prompt; Vacation (at least i think thats what the prompt was?)
Characters: Rosetta & Dina, Abzu/Tiamat
Warnings: Brief not so vague allusion to drugs (specifically drug manufacturing)
Wordcount: 3,555
Vibe: GIRLS NIGHT (it is actually the middle of hte afternoon)
i couldnt figure out a touhou theme to use for the title so i picked a moro song instead. sorry. its close enough right (be happy i didnt name this after other certain songs)
this took me too long to finish bc of fatigue + general health issues so it may come off as hasty at points but here in my house everything is a little bit scuffed
-holds dina and rosetta- i care them
…Vanya, Mishka, and Dmitri go on a road trip
Characters: Vanya, Mishka, Dmitri, Sasha, The Czar of the Mountain
Warnings: Mishka and his father get into a fight, and blood is drawn.
Wordcount: 2,838
Vibe: im gonna be real i can’t think of a vibe for this one
anyways take this bc when im not rotating the ultra space gang im rotating these three
…Abzu pulls off the stunt of the century, but is hungry for more – no matter what it takes.
For Coelune July prompt; Coelunes at work
Characters: Abzu/Tiamat, Dina
Warnings: Abzu’s behavior is risky and unhealthy – there is also a near-death experience and aftermath near the and, albeit vague.
Wordcount: 2,749
Vibe: uh oh
that shit hurted –me writing this
anyways hi sorry im only writing about these guys anymore i am just thinking about them a lot </3 anyways here’s abzu instead of hazel and mariska for a change (which means i don’t have to put a profanity warning LOL)