📚Foggy seas


Unconfirmed for Laine

With the rain comes a wave of emotions for Laine, whether she likes it or not.

Characters: Laine, Chel, Juniper

Warnings: Explicit mentions of an implied past suicide, suicidal ideation, and general themes of death – though the oneshot ends on a hopeful note.

Wordcount: 1,327

Vibe: : (

another thinly veiled oneshot again, oops. although this one is a bit… unique? i started it when i was at a very low point, but then wrote the second half when i was feeling better and more hopeful, and i feel like that potentially reflects in things.

ill write something happy/goofy again soon, i hope

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📚Alone together


Unconfirmed for Arael

The aftermath of an awful night comes with an unexpected recourse.

Characters: Arael, Hazel, Daichi

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,408

Vibe: good ol hurt/comfort

‘gee zin whats with the angsty stuff lately’ im Going Thru It. anyways

takes place like immedieately after the violet detector plotline’s climax. which i havent written down yet but tldr arael kind of loses her  mind and blows up the ruins and also has a cool climactic fight with diana and yukarin or something. she’ll be ok.

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📚It’s raining somewhere else


Unconfirmed for Laine

With the rain comes a wave of emotions for Laine, whether she likes it or not.

Characters: Laine, Chel

Warnings: Explicit mentions of an implied suicide and grieving.

Wordcount: 954

Vibe: 🙁

thinly veiled vent oneshot that i don’t even remember writing because of how low i was feeling when it was written.. it’s been a while since there’s been one of these, huh? i’m feeling better now thankfully.

keep in mind that though the grief is very much real to chel and laine, this is at the point where wasundari faked her own death and she’s very much alive still

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📚sorry i didn’t take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL


x5 for Amity
x5 for Suika

Suika and Amity are called to deal with a dangerous situation.

Characters: Amity, Suika

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 954


title is a ref to a clip from an mmd motion thats lived rent free in my head since 2015. anyways

theyre silly

Continue reading 📚sorry i didn’t take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL

📚Rigid paradise


x7 for Suika

Suika undergoes a great test to her skill as an occultist.

Characters: Suika, Tuesday, Qing’e

Warnings: Very explicit mentions of a corpse and necromancy

Wordcount: 1,412

Vibe: thats necromancy baby!!

i like the vision of tuesday bringing in a corpse to suika like a cat with a dead bird

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📚Here we are

Arael takes Mona to an old condemned lab, but it would appear they aren’t alone.

Characters: Arael, Mona, Tuesday

Warnings: Mentions of past human/sapient species experimentation

Wordcount: 2,066

Vibe: undertale true lab theme dot mp3

yes the title is an undertale song ref. its got the exact same vibes as the true lab what else could i call it

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📚typical DARE commercial (spooksoween spooktacular)

note: this is just a for-fun titlecard render! the actual ‘attack’/entry is the story below

A casual royal visit by Athena takes a turn for the worse.

For Dainty Halloween Battle 2023; Halloween petting zoo (and also a monster encounter, kind of)

Characters: Athena, Daichi

Warnings: Sudden unreality

Wordcount: 1,550


im less happy with this one but i kind of needed to speedrun it 😛 i still want to get the full 6 done, but idk if i’ll be able to do so before halloween itself. anyways thats why the render titlecard is lazy this time

some addtl context; poyote is a fantasy creature within the setting, name is a mix of coyote and peyote. you do the rest of the math as to how it works

Continue reading 📚typical DARE commercial (spooksoween spooktacular)

📚A world of nightmares never seen before

Athena has a dangerous encounter with a bitter enemy… but not for the reason she’d thought.

For Dainty Halloween contest: Monstrous Encounter

Characters: Athena, Amity, Pandora

Warnings: Athena experiences a near-death situation, and a hostile monster/creature is killed non-graphically.

Wordcount: 2,668

Vibe: uh oh!


aaaaaaaaaaaa im anxious abt submitting this one >__< just cuz its for a Big Contest hoo hoo

anyways athena is normal until she hears she gets a chance to punch her host’s assassin in abandoned city ruins that happen to be filled with an extremely dangerous alien species (which happens to be an ultra beast from hit game pokemon sun and moon (2016) for the nintendo 3ds)

what could possibly go wrong

(amity is also here i guess)

ok bye -explodes-

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📚Jelly stone

Abzu pulls off the stunt of the century, but is hungry for more – no matter what it takes.

For Coelune July prompt; Coelunes at work

Characters: Abzu/Tiamat, Dina

Warnings: Abzu’s behavior is risky and unhealthy – there is also a near-death experience and aftermath near the and, albeit vague.

Wordcount: 2,749

Vibe: uh oh


that shit hurted –me writing this

anyways hi sorry im only writing about these guys anymore i am just thinking about them a lot </3 anyways here’s abzu instead of hazel and mariska for a change (which means i don’t have to put a profanity warning LOL)

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📚And then there were none

Tiphanie realizes the rabbithole goes deeper than she wished.

Forum game prompt: “What are you hiding from me?”

Characters: Tiphanie, Souadou, Aya, Aurelien has like 1 line

Warnings: Mentions of a vague mob-related deal gone wrong, and death and violence that followed. Also mentions of drugs and vague mentions of drug dealing.

Wordcount: 1,148

Vibe: Tense ‘uh oh’ vibe


yaye forum game prompt thing

this is a rough scene thats been in my head thought i’d try writing it out (at 2am any%)

tldr tiphanie witnesses Aya murder some drug makers in a cabin and gets upset about it. souadou is very good at google.

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📚Luna dial

It’s finally over… right?
Returning home is difficult, and Ridley is upset.

Characters: Ridley, Aster, Pearl

Warnings: Pokemon Legends Arceus intro-level spoilers, mental breakdowns

Wordcount: 1,222

Vibe: Ridley has a mental breakdown and does something stupid


i havent actually seen the footage for the intro ive only had it described but like. call me pokemon move future sight

anyways addtl context: like, directly post endgame. ridley gets jealous and their feelings overtake them, but with no way to properly expel the feelings they get overwhelming

idk thought id write an intro to the legends arc that i wont write for another 6 months probably. aka ridley has to defeat their inner demons in a fractured reality past while arceus eats popcorn bc they got their emotions back

its not 3am but im still not revising this


The ending is retconned because at the time I hadn’t actually seen the intro. In-universe Laventon finds Ridley, not Adaman.

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📚Cinderella cage

Tensions are running high. OC-tober day 13/14 mixed prompt: burn/cage (which i am late for lol)

Characters: Zinnia/Aster, Cynthia/Orchid

Warnings: aster literally kills someone

Wordcount: 2,064

Vibe: Dramatic:tm:

Original AN:

idk what this is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im a bit rusty orz

i took the prompts too literally sorry

tldr aster kills a man everyone freaks out mother daughter bonding

takes place literally the night before joe stone is arrested (so like… 2010)

unrevised bc who cares

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📚Haunting my heart

There’s a familiar presence in the Sinnoh League, even after it’s gone.

Characters: Cynthia, Orchid is implied to be there but doesn’t speak

Warnings: Grief, mentions of badly coping, and overall themes of death.

Wordcount: 1,236

Vibe: Angsty / bittersweet

Original AN:

i have no idea where i was goin with this. saw the vague prompt of ‘character a finds out their house is haunted’ and went with it. mostly angsty/bittersweet at the end

this is mostly cynthia-centric with orchid not even being named until the end but watever . her ghost is there the entire time just chillin so it counts

once again. its 3am. havent revised. goodnight

also if this is cheesy near the end sorry idk how to write conclusions <3

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