📚Jungle drunker

Amity sets out to search for an odd client’s odd request, but comes across a bit more than she bargained for.

Characters: Amity, Mokotan, Faizah (briefly mentioned)

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 2,366

Vibe: yaaaay character interaction (with a twist)

this one is named after a moro song : p 

this ended up mostly turning into a fun little character interaction bit, with some ~lore~ or whatever to spice it up. faizah is also here i guess

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🚤Completely normal beach episode – Chapter 3

Magus, having overslept her train to Waterfall, finds herself in Borderbeach instead. What antics will ensue?

Characters: Magus, Dove, Umi

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 858

Vibe: raised eyebrow emoji

DA GRAND FINALE………. this is the UA continuity version : p ft vague insight into ~things that happend~ and anomalies. will i ever stop being vague about all that? who knows.

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Meihua figures out the reason for Sumi’s sudden vanishing, and tries to lend a hand.

Characters: Meihua, Hira, Maya

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,072

Vibe: bootleg ace attorney

local guy finds time to write their own MB stuff in the midst of the queue being flooded ASDFGHJ. which is to say this isnt very revised sorry. who cares

this was for an ace attorney homage prompt.. but i treated it seriously bc im #silly

Continue reading 📚SUMI GOES TO JAIL

📚Swim in a cherry blossom-colored sea

The surface is vastly different than the Lunar Capital – particularly, with seasons.

Characters: Breakfast, Hajime, Diana

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,638

Vibe: dude the moon sucks

not sure how i feel about this one, but it may just be because i’ve been in a weird headspace lately in general. but it’s done and that’s what counts… i’ve been thinking of the mad tea party group a lot lately

also i think its very very funny that hajime got a oneshot debut before i actually designed him. sorry hajime

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📚Mushroom Waltz


Unconfirmed for Suika

Suika and Yuugi have a debt to pay in Waterfall for a mysterious doctor.

Characters: Suika, Yuugi, Hazel

Warnings: Explicit mentions of drugs (psychoactive mushrooms) and drug use.
Yuugi uses the word ‘junkie’, but in a more ‘familiar’ manner than a derogatory one.

Wordcount: 1,687

Vibe: what if we looked for psychadelic mushrooms together and we hated each other but didnt and we were both girls…. haha…… jk……. unless

i feel like this is kind of messy but i literally went to the er 2 times in the span of 48 hours while working on this. give me a break

takes place a lil bit after yuugi goes to the UDS. also has the fabled hazel + yuugi interaction and it goes just about how one would expect

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📚sorry i didn’t take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL


x5 for Amity
x5 for Suika

Suika and Amity are called to deal with a dangerous situation.

Characters: Amity, Suika

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 954


title is a ref to a clip from an mmd motion thats lived rent free in my head since 2015. anyways

theyre silly

Continue reading 📚sorry i didn’t take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL

📚Rigid paradise


x7 for Suika

Suika undergoes a great test to her skill as an occultist.

Characters: Suika, Tuesday, Qing’e

Warnings: Very explicit mentions of a corpse and necromancy

Wordcount: 1,412

Vibe: thats necromancy baby!!

i like the vision of tuesday bringing in a corpse to suika like a cat with a dead bird

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📚Here we are

Arael takes Mona to an old condemned lab, but it would appear they aren’t alone.

Characters: Arael, Mona, Tuesday

Warnings: Mentions of past human/sapient species experimentation

Wordcount: 2,066

Vibe: undertale true lab theme dot mp3

yes the title is an undertale song ref. its got the exact same vibes as the true lab what else could i call it

Continue reading 📚Here we are

📚[blasts you with forearm laser]

Arael is given the chance to preform a ‘stress test’.

Characters: Arael, Dina

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 624

Vibe: [blasts you with forearm laser]

yes i had to rewatch the ramiel nge compilation for reference/inspo on how i wanted to describe arael’s power SDFGHJK

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📚Distortion holic

Chantal is tasked with putting together a Halloween party while the mayor is sick, and receives help from an unexpected person.

For Coelune October prompt; Costume party

Characters: Abzu, Chantal, Mildred

Warnings: Spooky vibes, characters are under the false impression they are being stalked by a monster, and Abzu has a flashback triggered, causing them to freeze up.

Wordcount: 3,022

Vibe: ouhhhh spooky


yahoo this isnt rlly revised but its too late to do that anyways

i dont really have a funny author’s note for this one, its the halloween special! despite it not being 2am im very sleepy

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📚Bug’s princess

Athena is greeted by an unwelcome visitor.

For Dainty September prompt: Fashion

Characters: Athena, Gucci, Pandora

Warnings: Mentions of past assassination

Wordcount: 3,468

Vibe: fashion but make it high stakes


hi i literally just woke up and was hit by the colress pokemas reveal like a bus. so excuse me if this authors note is more incomprehensible than normal

yes the title is a moro arrange again

uhhhh yea. pheromosa empire is very obsessed with fashion and beauty so was a good first prompt lol

on that note to dainty mods if u are here: hi

athena is in a world that’s a hybrid of ultra space from the pkmn series and an original setting. its a mess. i like to use species prompts to further the story in snippets so if this is a bit story heavy sorry lol

ok have fun ill upload a bio for coco later maybe

Continue reading 📚Bug’s princess

📚Youkai back shrine road

Vanya, Mishka, and Dmitri go on a road trip

Characters: Vanya, Mishka, Dmitri, Sasha, The Czar of the Mountain

Warnings: Mishka and his father get into a fight, and blood is drawn.

Wordcount: 2,838

Vibe: im gonna be real i can’t think of a vibe for this one



anyways take this bc when im not rotating the ultra space gang im rotating these three

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📚The sea where one’s home planet reflects

Ramiel is invited on a special mission.

For Coelune May prompt; deep sea exploration

Characters: Ramiel, Hazel, Mariska

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 3,402

Vibe: ooooooo deep sea exploration ft too much banter


hi gamers im adding a bit more than my usual weird authors notes because this is for a cs prompt submission and ive never done that before and im Nervus

this is vaguely more revised than normal but knowing me thats not. saying much. anyways

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📚Mysterious purification rod

Spinch and Yuri go fishing.

Characters: Spinch, Yuri, Lune, Daji

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,850

Vibe: sneaking out into the woods with your bestie only to be caught


hi idk where i was going w this i just wanted 2 do smthng for the prompt. 

i havent slept so theres probably more typos than usual in this but wateva..

yes lune swears in front of children #girlboss

Continue reading 📚Mysterious purification rod

📚Lunatic dreamer

Dmitri gets a late night visitor at the library, but it isn’t Vanya.

Characters: Dmitri, Mishka, Vanya

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,178

Vibe: imagine dealing with a kpop stan in real life


hi im super manic and running on. no hours of sleep! so if this is less comprehensible than normal. uh. sorry.

takes place 2029, after lune’s retirement was announced. mishka is an annoying lune stan.

for week1 of the writing prompt thread. prompt was ‘write about a time when your character felt embarrassed!’

Continue reading 📚Lunatic dreamer

📚Scream out

Concerts are exhausting.

Characters: Colress/Lune/N

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,429

Vibe: Hurt/comfort

Original AN:

once again with all unova trio oneshots this is cheesy as hell sorry

i wrote this bc i needed to project feelings whoopsies

3am unrevised, u get the drift this is normal around here

yes im co-opting touhou arranges for titles again

also i figured i didnt need a warning for it since it’s so commonplace for me but theres swearing. lune literally says fuck in the second sentence

Continue reading 📚Scream out


Renee stays late at work, and gets a visitor.

Characters: Renee, Zinnia, Pearl, Steven

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,553

Vibe: Stressed/comfort

Original AN:

theres probably like 6000000000000000000 spelling and grammar errors but i do not. i do not care.

idea i got at work, i wrote like half of it one mnight and then the other half a few days later. idk where i was really going other than ‘zinnia is there’

i wanna say pearl is maybe 4-5 here

Continue reading 📚Goodnight

📚Les confessions

Kaguya is alone with her thoughts.

Characters: Kaguya/Basil/Haru

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 854

Vibe: Kaguya catches feelings

Original AN:

im a bit too sad so function right now so instead of doing things i write soft stuff

you know the drill bro. barely revised and written all in one sitting, thats just how i roll. this one’s a bit short than usual because i just dont have the energy

this probably takes places sometime shortly after the 3 got together

this is named after a song that i think is very kaguyacore even tho i dont know what the lyrics say because theres no translation out for it this is so sad

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📚Something about family

Lune thinks about her family.

Characters: Lune/Colress

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1,110

Vibe: Lune emo momence ft cheesy comfort

Original AN:

once again its 2am and i have no idea what this is. based on a prompt from forum game asking me about lune and her family

this probably takes place in 2020 just after lune , colress , and n got together

as always with late night oneshots this isnt revised at all so read atr ur own risk i guess

ALSO ill work on moon after artfight its not dead i pwomise

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📚Lost at sea

Yuuto meets someone familiar that he’s never met.

Characters: Yuuto, Jess, Kenjiro

Warnings: Heavy drinking/alcohol usage, irresponsible drunkeness

Wordcount: 2,466

Vibe: Funky altered reality but heartfelt

Original AN:

character interaction thing between jess and yuuto

i wrote this at like 1 am so if it doesnt make sense dw about it

Continue reading 📚Lost at sea